Friday, November 29, 2013

Goodbye class photo: ICP1-D1307E

Goodbye to this convivial pre-intermediate adult class! Consisting mostly of teenagers, this group was always fun and jolly and loved to interact with the teacher. This meant that at the beginning of each class, when I would go about my routine of assigning students in pairs to discuss a topic question, the students would chant along with me "you two, and you two, and you two, and you two..." as I went around the class putting students in pairs. Soon I got embarrassed of the fact that their chanting along with me made me feel like a predictable systematic teacher, so with the subsequent classes, I would try to change the phrasing of this segment. "You two together, and you two together.. and you two together.", or "One and two, one and two, one and two," or "Both of you, both of you, both of you..." were amongst the permutations I had to come up with in order to evade the class copying me... With each new permutation, the class would giggle.

The student who stood out to me the most was Mr. Ha, a married journalist with a child. Always in good humor, his participation and dedication in class always motivated me as a teacher and reminded me that all of my efforts were always worth it.

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